Emergency Doctor in ALANYA, KONAKLI, AVSALLAR Arzt Ambulanz in Alanya, Konakli, Avsallar

Call  +90 532 336 56 34  7 Days/24 Hours An emergency is a situation that poses an immediate risk to health, life, property or environment.Most emergencies require urgent intervention to prevent a worsening of the situation, although in some situations, mitigation may not be possible and agencies may only be able to offer palliative care for the aftermath. While some emergencies are self evident (such as a natural disaster that threatens many lives), many smaller incidents require the subjective opinion of an observer (or affected party) in order to decide whether it qualifies as an emergency. The precise definition of an emergency, the agencies involved and the procedures used, vary by jurisdiction, and this is usually set by the government, whose agencies (emergency doctor Arzt services) are responsible for emergency planning and management. İn Alanya,Konakli,Oba,Avsallar area if you have any emergency health problem or if you need doctor –Arzt  or ambulance you can call us +905323365634 immediately for medical help.


Rufen Sie rund um die Uhr diese Nummer an  +90 532 336 56 34  falls Sie einen Arzt oder einen Krankenwagen brauchen. Ein Notfall stellt eine unmittelbare Gefahr für die Gesundheit, die Umgebung oder sogar das Leben dar und erfordert sofortiges Handeln, um Schlimmeres zu verhindern. Wir sind 365 Tage im Jahr 24 Stunden am Tag für Sie da.